
Busy Week

This is going to be an extremely busy week.  Today is my daughters first day of school (more on this later), I'm teaching a new class at work on a different schedule than normal.  Birthdays for families and friends this week.  Things are changing in my world, and it's good.

Lets talk a little magic.  I'm still working my way through the book.  I'm getting a little frustrated with it.  I'm not a setup guy, and the books is full of them.  I prefer to not have to prepare my decks with anything let alone setups.  If the effect is worth it, I'll totally I'll will totally do it.  I don't believe my silly preferences are more important than an amazing effect.  That being the case, I'm not currently seeing anything that warrants having to locate and setup 10 cards.  I most definitely don't have the pocket space to pocket more than a deck or two, so having multiple decks setup to get an effect is just not my style. 

I'm patiently waiting for something other than cards to come up in the book.  Don't take me the wrong way, I love card tricks.  I just think effects could be spread out in the book a little more.  A few card tricks, and few coins, more cards, something different.  As it stands right now I'm just a little bored. 

I'm not blaming the author, just feeling the need to spread out a little bit. 




Kostya Kimlat Okito Box Rotine

This week Kostya Kimlat, an excellent, and innovative magician from Orlando, released his Okito Box routine.  Well I just had to have it.  It wold be hard for me to pass on any okito box work at this point.  It's a very simple routine, but I think I may get a lot of mileage out of it.  It's a great reason to get my Craig Ousterling okito box all dinged up.

I also want to point out that recently Kostya fooled Penn and Teller on Fool Us.  Now as much as I would love to share with you the new Okito Box routine, I think you would be better served watching Kostya piss off Penn on national TV.  I have put the video below.

You may be thinking that since I have purchased a new routine that I have not been giving The close-up Magic of Aldo Colombini the attention it deserves.  Well, you are wrong.  I'm still working my way through.  I have worked my way through another 15 effects or so.  I'll be honest, it is taking me much longer to get through the book than I had originally planned.  Many of the effects are short, I really want to learn each one before I move on to the next.

I feel like I am building a relationship with Aldo as I work through his book.  I can't say that I love every routine I have worked through, but I can say that I wish I had met Aldo before he passed.  There was a lot to learn from him.